Yes it is true. Hair that shines is healthy hair.
Some tips that really work:
- Use a good shampoo. If your hair "squeaks" after using shampoo, then your shampoo is too strong. Most cheap shampoos are just too strong. If your hair is squeaking, you could probably degrease your engine with the shampoo you are using. EEKS!
- Condition. Conditioner coats the cuticle. Don't forget to condition the scalp too.
- Rinse with cool water when finished. It closes the cuticle and leave the hair shiny.
- Towel dry but don't cause lots of friction with the towel and your hair. Those closed cuticles from the cool water won't help you if you rub your head back and forth with the towel.
Great tips!
I have to admit that the info on sqeeky hair is new to me. My mom use to think it was a good sign for healthy hair if it sweeked so of course I always believed it! Wow! I never thought about shampoo being too strong. Good tips for the two of us & highly appreciated! Marcy & Pearl
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